Building Strong Prevention & Treatment Communities One Counselor at a Time
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Tasks and Tests
Things to Remember
Mid-Term Assessment
Unit Exam
Unit Assignment
Books, Essays and Articles
Taking my class won’t be complete without going through this list of required reading. Please find below the books and essays that will make your learning experience fascinating, enjoyable and challenging.
Unit Summary
This is your Required Reading description. It’s a great place to go into detail about this resource, a summary of its content and more. Make it accessible for your students and add vital information such as the edition, publishers and where to find it.
Class Notes
This is your Required Reading description. It’s a great place to go into detail about this resource, a summary of its content and more. Make it accessible for your students and add vital information such as the edition, publishers and where to find it.
Study Guide
This is your Required Reading description. It’s a great place to go into detail about this resource, a summary of its content and more. Make it accessible for your students and add vital information such as the edition, publishers and where to find it.